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Why is the price of carbon fiber products more expensive

browse: 次    Date of issue:2021-07-07

Carbon fiber is a high-performance structural material. In application, it is a product processed by high-performance composite materials with carbon fiber as reinforcement and resin matrix composite materials. Carbon fiber products have been applied in aerospace, automobile industry, rail transit, medical devices and other fields, and successfully meet the demand of lightweight, When you want carbon fiber products to replace traditional products, you will be concerned about the price. After understanding it, you will find that the price of carbon fiber products is generally more expensive. What is the reason? In this article, let's take a look at the reasons.
The production of carbon fiber is a very complex systematic process, from the preparation of precursor to pre oxidation, carbonization and graphitization. When it comes to sizing and packaging finished products, the manufacturing process of each step has high requirements, requires high-precision control, and has high requirements for equipment. Moreover, the production of carbon fiber is a high energy consuming process, which needs to be carried out at extremely high temperature, so the cost of carbon fiber materials is increased.
Carbon fiber is the main raw material and is essentially a commodity. The commodity will be affected by market supply and demand. At present, the production technology of high-performance carbon fiber is mainly in the hands of the United States and Japan, and it is basically in an absolute monopoly position in the whole market. Resulting in an increase in prices.

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